Cmedia CMI9880 Azalia driver problem solution

Author Svet on 24 February, 2012 | Print | Bookmark
Hi everyone

I decided to post this thread because when i browse the forum i see a lot of trouble with installing the sound drivers for the cmedia CMI9880 driver and nowhere is a clear or straight anwser.  This soundchip is installed on a lot of mobo's. Intel 915P neo2 platinum, 915P combo, 915P FR and the 915G series. Even Asus (ssssh, wash my mouth) has installed this soundchip.

The issue occurs when you run the setup.exe of the drivers that you downloaded.  When  start the .exe, you get the message that the device could not be found or that you manually removed it.  It seems that the gentlemen from Cmedia forgot a little part in their driver setup.  redface

When you examen your system closely you'll see a pci device that dissapears when you disable the soundchip in the bios.  So it's a device driver that you need and luckily everyone who downloaded the sounddrivers has the driver.  All you have to do is browse to the directory that was unzipped.  Correct directory is CMI9880Ch71\BusDriver.  There you will see a lot of directory's with language codes.  Pick the one that your OS uses. for example english = US.  You must pick the correct language or it won't install. In the directory you'll see an .exe ( kb835221.exe) . Just run it and it will install the driver for the pci device that was unknown.

When this is done you can run the setup.exe again and this time you won't be prompted because it will find the device. Problem solved.   idea

Have fun with it.

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Category: Retired motherboards

Last updated on 24 February, 2012 with 3303 views