How to create a signature

Author on 23 March, 2011 | Print | Bookmark

You can create a 'signature' that will appear after every post you make.

This has a variety of uses, the most popular being to list hardware found in your computer, especially if you are trying to fix a problem with your PC. However you are free to put what you like there, you can use 'BBCode' to add links and images, however if you wish to post an image in your signature, please keep it to a max size of 400x200. 

To create your signature, click on the  item in the menu bar at the top left, just under the News bar, then in the left hand menu, under 'Modify Profile' select 'Forum Profile Information'. 

Scroll down the page until you see the Signature box, type in your signature text here, and then click the 'Change Profile' button to finish. There is a character limit of 800 characters for your signature text

For information on posting links and images, see further on.

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Category: MSI HQ Forum

Last updated on 23 March, 2011 with 2837 views