How to post images in the forum

Author on 23 March, 2011 | Print | Bookmark

You can also put images in your posts, again provided they do not break any rules. However, the image must be located somewhere on the web, you cannot post images from your own computer.

If you do not have any of your own webspace provided by your ISP to use, then there are many websites available, that will allow you to upload images and host them. Try Image Shack, PhotoBucket, or Tinypic. Once your image has been uploaded, make a note of its URL.

You can also post images from anywhere on the internet, though some websites don't like other websites "leeching" their images. Find images on the web using Google Image Search. You just need an image's URL in order to post it.

To post your image, you use the BBCode tags. For example, entering the following:

will appear like this:

The forum software will automatically resize large images so they fit on the page.

Please try to avoid posting very large images, as it will slow down page creation for users with slow download speed (there are still 56k users out there! Wink)

'Clickable' images

You can combine the IMG and URL tages as described above to make an image into a link, or a 'clickable image'.

For example the following:


will give you this:

which when clicked on, will take you to

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Category: MSI HQ Forum

Last updated on 23 March, 2011 with 4031 views