MSI HQ Forum BIOS Flash Tool
Hi guys,We the forum team have developed a new way of flashing.
You no longer need a floppy or anything, just an USB-stick.
The tool has been tested together with MSI and as far as we have done our testing, there are no problems at all.
As long as the USB-stick is FAT or FAT32 formatted!
However, flashing is allways risky, so if it goes bad it's your own fault, but that goes for all flashing you do.
This tool will only work with MSI retail motherboards and laptops, it will not work with other brand products.
Also it doesn't work with MSI OEM products.
The way it works is simple: Download the package and download the BIOS from the MSI website that you want to flash.
The rest is straight forward.
Make sure that your board is set to be able to boot from USB.
So turn on USB Legacy Support in the BIOS.
Boot and press F11 to get the boot-popup and select your USB-device to boot.
(some boards have a different key, like K8N Master uses ESC for the boot-menu)
What ever you do, make sure you read all warnings!
The forum nor MSI is responsible if it fails for you.
Nor is this software supported by MSI technical support!
Please report problems/bugs if you find them.
currently supported OS ( both 32 & 64 bit):
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
(all kind of versions)
NOTE: If you are having problems getting your USB device to boot correctly, you may need to format it correctly as the geometry data may be incorrect. You can do that by pickup option "Fix My USB key" from the Tool or by using >>> THIS <<< tool here! For future usage you can skip this step, it need to be done only once if your stick need adjustment.
The download links are listed below: