2080TI Lightning Z going to safe mode/1350MHZ when stock cooler fans removed


New member
Mar 10, 2019

I created an account just to post my problem here.
I just installed the new bitspower waterblock on my lightning Z.
It took me many hours to realize that the GPU goes to safe mode (stuck at 1350 MHZ) when the stock fans are not plugged in...
I tried both bioses, even the new LN2 bios... doesn't work.

To make it work, I had to remove the fans from the stock cooler and plug them in the PCB while having the waterblock on.
It's quite ridiculous...

It's a card built for LN2 overclocking... of course A LOT of people are gonna remove the stock cooler.

MSI can you please fix this quickly with a new vbios?

lemon date=1581400315 said:
Could you send me the vbios as well? My card is stuck at 1350MHz after I installed a waterblock. Thanks!
S/N: 602-V377-05SB1901000010

Did you get it back to working with the bios flash. Also has the problem reoccured with this bios?
have the same problems with the 2080 ti lightning z after installing a waterblock
the german support of MSI does not seem to know this problem and says the graphics card is broken and i should contact the seller for warranty claims...

may someone send me the latest version for vbios (regular and/or ln2)
S/N: 602-V377-05SB1901000753
flobelix date=1584382814 said:

Can you share this bios with people on other cards than the Lightning Z? I'm on an X Trio and there's a weird bug with some of the X Trio-cards where any power limit % above 110% gets ignored, so far only XOC-bios has been able to exceed 330W. I'd love to try a Lightning Z LN2-bios. There's a couple of posts about this bug on OCN.

S/N: 602-V371-49SB1903005306

No, I can't. Crossflashing is anyway not supported on this forum, the vbios is not compatible and it voids the card's warranty to use a wrong vbios. 

Also don't hijack other topics please.
Guys i just installed the bitspower waterblock and i'm stuck at 1350. When i try Afterburner is like freezes and doesnt work. Could you  help me please.

my S/N 602-V377-05SB1904000046
flobelix date=1587495120 said:

Hi flobelix, is just put a Bykski Waterblock on my 2080Ti Lightning and i'm stuck on the 1350Mhz bug.

Can you send me the bios needed to fix this?

here's my SN: 602-V377-06SB1902000011
Hi, I also use the RTX 2080 Ti Lightning graphics card and replaced the fan with a water block, exactly like the situation described in this thread. This issue has troubled me for several years, and I only discovered this post in 2024. Can anyone send me the BIOS? Thank you so much.

My S/N : 602-V377-05SB1902000692