Big Bang XPower: Problems with memory and Start Cycle


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I have just purchased an MSI XPower Big Bang MB along with 12GB of 1333MHz of OCZ Memory. When I leave everything at defaults (1066MHz) inside the bios, 12GB is recognized by both Windows and the Bios. When I change the memory multiplier to 5 in order to run the ram at 1333MHz, the Bios and Windows only sees 8GB of RAM. (Sometimes 4GB ?!?!?!?) Although the really strange thing is even when the Bios/Windows is seeing 8GB or 4GB, CPU-Z still identifies that there is 12GB in the system. I have set all my clocks to the way they were supposed to be along with the proper voltage. I even tried pushing the voltage up to 1.75 from 1.65. I have also tried disabling Spread Spectrum, but no difference. The system runs very stable as well, it just looses the ability to view all my RAM. I have never seen a problem like this and am hoping someone can please help.
What is the exact model name/number of your memory modules?  Please take screenshots of the CPU-Z "SPD" and "Memory" view, upload them somewhere and include the links here for comparison.

I even tried pushing the voltage up to 1.75

Don't go beyond 1.65V unless you want to damage your processor.

the Bios and Windows only sees 8GB of RAM. (Sometimes 4GB ?!?!?!?)

This sounds somewhat like a pin-contact problem.  Please reseat the processor and heatsink to make sure that there is proper contact between the socket pins and the CPU's contact pads.
I am currently at work now, but when I get home ill try reseating the memory, and if that doesnt fix it, I will take SS of CPU-Z.
I am not really getting anywhere with OCZ on this one, but to make long story short, I have reseated RAM and CPU checking for bent pins, and still no luck.  Here is thread from OCZ.
I have reseated RAM and CPU checking for bent pins

Have you checked the CPU's contact pads for areas of no or poor imprints as well?  If not, please do.

What about this:

Please take screenshots of the CPU-Z "SPD" and "Memory" view, upload them somewhere and include the links here for comparison.

I just got my SSD today so I am loading up windows right now and then I will get the CPU-Z screen shots.  I looked at the processor and the imprints look dead-center and clean on every part.

That should be the Gallary for my CPU-Z results.  Below is each individual picture.
Command Rate is set to 1T.  Always set it to 2T!!


What about the SPD view?  Please take a screenshot of that as well.

The first time I booted after setting to 2T it said 12GB, but when I restarted it returned to 8GB...    :cry:
Nevermind, still didnt work.  I think I am going to send my memory back and see if the replacement fixes it.  Next the MB will be going back.
Both BB Xpwrs I have built set QPI default voltage at 1.20v's. If you want to give that a try, only increase in small increments & 'do not' exceed 1.35v's. I would start with 1.22v's & slowly work up. It looks to me like you need to get the board stable with just one stick in the primary DIMM slot & update the bios with at least 1.3b9. As for 1N(T) or 2N(T), this seems to more of a problem for P55 & H55 boards. Out of a couple dozen X58 builds, not one of them needed to have CR set to 2N(T) other than for testing purposes. Selection of RAM is critical to stability & performance. As a rule of thumb I have adopted, if I want to run the RAM at a particular target speed, I will purchase RAM 'RATED' higher than the target. 2000's 1866's for 1600 for example. Advantage? Less voltage needed & more 'tweak' lattitude. Voltage for 1600 7 7 7 19 1N(T) as screen shot, only 1.56v's! :-))



Added: The beta can be found here;
The beta can be found here (Reply #2 A7666IMS.139);
I did the Bios Update and set the QPI Voltage to 1.3.  Still no luck because it is showing 8GB of ram when I set the speed to 1333.  This is so frustrating because i do not know if its the RAM or if its the MB...  Should I disable all the power saver things?
Should I disable all the power saver things?
You could try that, but it mostly only affects the CPU operation. Looking over your thread, I can see you pretty well ruled out CPU (pads) & socket. Does the system exhibit these same problems when only the black DIMM slots are populated?