Big Bang XPower X58 Memory Help


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Hello all! Here is a run-down of my build...

Win7 x64 - fully updated
Antec True Power 550 PSU
(the Big Bang XPower LGA 1366) BIOS v1.2 on Optimized Defaults
Intel i7-930 2.8GHz
6BG Kingston HyperX T1 Series M#KHX2000C9AD3T1K3/6GX (three 2GB sticks)
EVGA Radeon 4850 HD 1GB x2 CF'ed
WD VelociRaptor WD6000HLHX bring everyone up to speed:

I have the male ATX 8-pin pwr conn in the JPWR2 female. I have the memory in the three black slots, assuming triple-channel. Initial POST dialog shows Dual-Channel active, 1066, not triple nor the full 6GB. The OS is showing only 4GB as well.

I ran mdsched to test the memory (which I figured it would be about as useful as teets on a bull, and it was) and returned no errors. Since the 'seen' memory is working, hey! it's fine to me! it says... :nooo:

I have removed all memory and placed each, one at a time, in the primary DIMM1 (channel A) with each reading correctly in the BIOS as 2GB, showing up correctly, single-channel.

I then left the last one tested in the primary, black channel, and added one of the remaining two, one at a time, to the second black channel (DIMM 3 Channel B) to successful identification by BIOS for each, ultimately Dual Channel 4GB 1066. The third stick, alledgedly good, at this point is still not in the board.

Lastly I installed the final, still good stick in the last slot, AND IT SHOWED UP CORRECTLY!  :agrees:

I'm sorry, I was typing this as I was troubleshooting, as I typically do to take notes, and I fixed my issue. I must have had a bad seat during first installation.

Win7 shows the full 6GB, mainboard shows triple channel during boot, and so far so good...

Let this be a lesson: Just when you think you've done everything, double-check. Then check again.

Thanks me!  :emot-tip-wink:

please don't hurt me