Can I update the bios of my GeForce3 Ti 200 pro-VT (8850)



I have been wanting to update my driver since I installed this card but any attempts to use any version outside of the one supplied on the CD (21.83) causes the VIVO chip to be incorrectly identified as a Conexant Bt868 and video in no longer works.

I have seen some information that suggests that this is a bios problem.

Unfortunately I have been unable to use LiveUpdate successfully - I consistently get "vbios.dll load failed" and then: Warning!!! Your Display Card does not support MSITM Live Update 2TM function.Note: MSI Live Update 2 support the Display Card of MSI only.

Newest LiveUpdate downloaded August 18, 2002 (ver 3.32)

Am I stuck with the 21.83 driver?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

MSI Geforce3 Ti 200 Pro-Vt (AKA 8850)
Driver 21.83 (MSI)
Windows XP Professional
Pentium III 1000
256 MB PC100 RAM - Crucial
TDK VeloCD 16/10/40
Hitachi 8X DVD
Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer
Realtek Ethernet Adapter
Turtle Beach Montego A3D Sound

Hi rjordan,

For liveupdate2 to work properly you need security internet settings turned down. Firewall and virus scanner could be turned off as well for the time using LU2.

Could try reinstalling LU2 for it to ini your card properly.

MSI are also having problems with there Bios server as well so you may have to wait a bit longer, but you won't be stuck on 21.83 (shouldn't be anyway).
In the mean time you could try 23.11 drivers. These are sweet and should work with your BIOS.