Does your dashboard now work as it should or has it been fixed by the new BIOS or are there still a few things that aren't working properly?
Mine was working properly from the Jan. 8th Dashboard firmware update tool release after I used it on about Jan. 13th, and then the Jan. 16th dashboard firmware update tool on the same day of its release, before I updated the BIOS; so I can't give you a useful answer.
After the BIOS update I noticed that I was still on MSI Center 27.0 and I saw 28.0 on the site, so I went through with the MSI Center Cleaner to uninstall it so that I could install the new one. My dashboard did start having the constant loading after that, and quite frankly I don't know if it was from uninstalling MSI Center (most likely) or updating the BIOS, because I wasn't paying attention after the BIOS update before uninstalling MSI Center.
In any case, after the MSI Center was cleaned and the system restarted, I decided to do the Dashboard Update tool again. Firmware first, and then Data. That fixed the constant loading issue and the default system stats screen showed up again. Of course, the tool makes me restart, so I did.
After that I downloaded the new 28.0 MSI Center and installed it. Another restart. I only installed the Dashboard MSI Center tool. For some reason my MSI colors, the dragon and such, are still red like I had set it before, so I didn't bother reinstalling Mystic Lights.
Once reinstalling the new MSI Center, the numbers at the top of the screen were all messed up. It kept jumping to random numbers and sometimes letter/number codes. My GIF was working though. So I decided to restart again and that fixed it.
I also decided to shut down the PC entirely and see how it loads up the GIF. Once again, I do not have MSI Center to auto-start. It seems to be the default?
The Dashboard started with the default system stats. I didn't touch anything at the Windows 11 login splash screen, so it wasn't showing the text box to put in my password. I gave it a few seconds and it finally switched to the GIF I set it to.
So now everything is back to the way I had it before these updates, but it's got new BIOS and new MSI Center, so that's good I guess.