Endless firmware update loop with Cluth GM41 Lightweight wirelles


New member
Dec 25, 2022
I have recently purchased a Cluth GM41 Lightweight wireless. When first connecting the mouse via cable I got the install firmware screen, where I installed MSI Center.

When I go to Gaming gear and select Mouse it asked for a firmware update, which was completed successfully and allowed me to access the settings page (like expected). However when I connect the mouse with wireless mode, with the dongle it asks again for firmware update. After the installation completed screen, everything works normally until I try to go to the settings of the mouse in MSI Center. Then it asks again for a firmware update, even if I have completed one already. Ending in an infinite update loop.

Note: The update loop only occurs when I use the mouse in wireless mode, wired mode works perfectly.


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so I have this issue where it doesn't show if my mouse firmware is updated even if I did what the software asked me to do. Tried re-installing and all that stuff but still end up in this problem. I cannot access GAMING GEAR in MSI Center due to this issue.

My mouse is MSI Clutch GM41


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