SOLVED!!! So to close this thread off. Here is my conclusion:
I stopped playing with the Power Plans in windows and turned to TDP values. I was adjusting my TDP limits to tame the beast as i don’t need the stock high power limits and the heat it brings. i adjusted my 12700h tdp PL1 to 75w and PL2 to 80w to keep my spiked temp spike in low 90s compared to 98C when running the stock PL1: 110w and PL2: 135w GE76 setup. I left tau at the stock value of 56s. Cinebench multiscore with that still hits an amazing ~15, 923. Max power i get 16,320. I can only speak for the 12700h GE76 cooling solution. But i noticed i start getting less larger (incremental) improved performance above these TDP values. Starts to flatten a little. At full power i was throttling 46% of the time; while at my reduced tdps i was throttling 1% of the time
Now, i ran some more tests using AAA games that were making me spike to 98-100C under Stock heavy load like CyberPunk. My tuning objective is to reduce my spiked temp. Here are my findings & my final settings for this chassis. I will only show the noteworthy TDP settings & results. Conclusion & my final settings are below.
I7 12700H on a GE76 chassis (TCC at 6 so throttle at 94C rather than 95C stock)
@PL1: 110w / PL2:135w (stock)
Cinebench Multi: ~16,320
Single: ~1,773
Cyberpunk & Star Citizen temp spike: 98C
Cyberpunk & Star Citizen Avg temp: 80-88C
avg FPS CyberPunk Ultra & 1% lows: 78 & 56
Takeaway: XTU showed it was TCC throttling 50% of the time... what a waste
@PL1: 75 / PL2: 80
Multi: 15, 980
Single: 1,761
Cyberpunk & SC temp spike: 94C <-- XTU showed it was TCC throttling 14% of the time... better
CyberPunk & SC Avg temp: 77-85C
avg FPS CyberPunk Ultra & 1% lows: 77 &55
Takeaway: XTU showed it was TCC throttling 14% of the time. Not bad! the clock speed stays at 4099mhz (max boost PL1) 86% of the time
@PL1: 65 / PL2: 70
Multi: 15, 150
Single: 1,796
Cyberpunk & SC temp spike: 90C
Cyberpunk & SC avg temp: 70-82C
avg FPS CyberPunk Ultra & 1% lows: 75 & 54
Takeaway: XTU showed it was TCC throttling 1-2% of the time. Excellent! the clock speed hovers at 3.98Ghz - 4.1Ghz 99% of the time. down by 100mhz i suspect because of the lower power not thermals. So we're in the G spot here where clock speed is just about affected by the power you give and we're not thermally throttling. (this is the pivot point you want to play in)
As you can see the graph from Jarrod & my testing above (although for the i9, i observed the i7 to behave similarly from a perf vs wattage perspective). It looks like the perfect sweet spot for all of us GE76 12700H owners is running the
CPU PL1 anywhere between 65-75w and PL2 70-80. You get the most gains as after that it flattens out more and the CPU needs more wattage for proportionate performance gains. I ultimately chose 65W PL1 and 70 PL2 and my temps and fans on idle barely are noticable. Any lower than this, and you will be power throttling the CPU and it won't maintain the 4.1Ghz boost during heavy workloads / games due to power limit throttling. If the i7 12700h had the same liquid phase changing compound that the i9 gets, or bigger heat pipes then we can increase these power limits and not keep getting knocked down by thermal throttling but alas! this is the chassis we have to work with.
So even with my 65W and 70W TDP settings, the 12th gen is so efficient with power usage compared to 11th Gen. It still crushes the top spec from 11th gen. That, is truly amazing.