My new graphics cards were finally shipped to me so I installed them, so far so good. Cause on BlackBird was the MoBo changed, so I booted from my selfmade boot CD and created an image of my XP partition with Norton Ghost 2002. It was done, so I formated the partition and start to install XP. Cause it was necessary to reinstall XP on Bluebird too, I have done the same thing like on BlackBird - maked the image of XP partition. After booting from the CD and started the Ghost everything (graphic, text) was blurry. I was wondering why. After some test with starting the Ghost I found out that on BlackBird was not the mouse driver loaded due an error, but on BlueBird was. Maybe the bios of the GF4ti have some problems with hardware cursors (or something this way ?( ). Could a new bios help? I'm a bit scared of flashing. I didn't flashed my graphics cards before. It is really safe and easy? Please help.