Help on increasing RAM


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I am planning to increase my RAM to 8GB and I want to know the proper way of adding another 4GB of memory coz i heard of some issues when all 4 memory slots are populated to 8GB thanks in advance.
Most importantly is to make sure that all the RAMs are similar models to the current ones in your system.
sometimes after playing a game there would appear in windows suggesting that I turn off windows aero and instead use windows basic settings because it states that memory is low but I would click "NO". During gameplay  i noted that the highest usage of memory was only 60% but usually it is only up to 20-45%.

That is why I was contemplating  of increasing the RAM to 8Gb though other than that I have not experience any problem.
Well, I can only offer advice. Unless you really really need 8GB RAM, running 4GB should be plenty regardless of the VGA setup you decide to get, unless you were going to do some serious heavy audio/video, photoshop apps. etc., then I could maybe understand a need for more RAM. Too much RAM can actually slow a rig down. If it turns out you do need more in the future, make sure to get matched sticks, 'very' important! :-))