i gEFORCE 4 tI-4200



I while ago i bought a MSI K7T266 Pro motherboard.
That didn't have AGP Pro.

Since i had an old Voodo3-card that was not a problem.

But yeasterday i got a MSI Geforce4 Ti-4200 (MS-8870) graphics adapter. I have had nothing but problems with that thing.

Whichever driver i am using, after clean re-installs with win-98 (Oh yes i need to have a win-98 version), but my screen always went black either upon changing the display settings or entering windows.

Therefor i wonder if i NEED a AGP-Pro slot to deliever enough current to the graphics adapter, or if is my NoName 300 W PSU that doesn't deliever the goods.

I've heard that AGP-slots only deliever 25 W or something while a AGP Pro delievers 50 W with ease.
if mr no name s not good for 200 watts combined

then is not going to work

some 300 watts can do it a lot cannot

read good articles for more info
For the time being i'va found a temporary solution.
Got rid of the new TwinMos 512MB RAM-modules and put in the old 256 MB moulde i know works perfectly.

Then i used a Aopen 300 W PSU and i actually managed to insatll driverset NVidida 27.20 from a clean install.

So i think t probebly was the PSU , but the 300 W i have now doesn't deliever more than 10 W more, on the sheeth, but being more "Quality" an wieghing a whole lot more than my Elite 300 W i guess the AOpen produces at least 30+ W under load.

All though i still gonna check the 512MB Modeules one by one, and i'm gonna buy a more powerfull, 400-500 W Powersupply soon i at least has got the darn vard to install propery without blackscreens.

The more powerfull powersupply is to make shure that i have enough power when playing games mounting case-fans etc.
