Is my Mobo SLI?


New member
Aug 3, 2010

I have been using my MSI x58 Platinum motherboard for about a year, and I just now realized that there are x58 SLI motherboards out there as well. I bought my board assuming it utilized SLI, because there is an NVIDIA SLI ready sticker on the box. My two videocards are recognized, and I can enable SLI in the control panel, but is my system actually using both video cards? I just realized as well that the bridge I am using for both Nvidia cards is called an ATI Crossfire bridge on the MSI Box.

Do I need to switch motherboards to get the full use of my dual video cards?
The only difference between the X58 Platinum and the SLI Version is the BIOS Version used:

A7522IMS V1.xx -> no SLI Support
A7522IMS V3.xx -> SLI Support

Check your BIOS Version (under Standard CMOS Features -> System Information) and then you know what you have (and if you have to update your BIOS for SLI Support or not).