Is this motherboard compatible?


New member
Jan 19, 2025
Greetings! My daughter has a MSI Modern 15 A11MU-654US laptop. When she plugged it in, the charger got really hot, and melted both the charging port and adapter. I disassembled the laptop, desoldered the charging jack, and found that 2 of the connections were indeed fried.

This lead me to looking for a replacement motherboard. This one is 15521 Ver 2.1. I’m not able to find this specific board, but I have found some others with the same form factor. Here is one I found. I would like to know if this one can be swapped out, even though it’s an i7 (current one is i5). Thank you in advance.

FYI: I am a software engineer. My hardware skills/knowledge leave room for want. Appreciate the advice.
Greetings! My daughter has a MSI Modern 15 A11MU-654US laptop. When she plugged it in, the charger got really hot, and melted both the charging port and adapter. I disassembled the laptop, desoldered the charging jack, and found that 2 of the connections were indeed fried.

This lead me to looking for a replacement motherboard. This one is 15521 Ver 2.1. I’m not able to find this specific board, but I have found some others with the same form factor. Here is one I found. I would like to know if this one can be swapped out, even though it’s an i7 (current one is i5). Thank you in advance.

In theory it should fit, everything document wise, seems to agree with your research.

Thank you so much! Do you think if I connect all the hardware, from the existing laptop, it should boot up and run without any issues? It seems to me this is just really an upgrade in the processor.
Thank you so much! Do you think if I connect all the hardware, from the existing laptop, it should boot up and run without any issues? It seems to me this is just really an upgrade in the processor.
With such a massive hardware change, always best to do a fresh install.
Is that really a massive hardware change? Seems like it’s just the processor? Hoping it’s not necessary, but thanks.
Is that really a massive hardware change? Seems like it’s just the processor? Hoping it’s not necessary, but thanks.
Even if similar, Windows will detect everything as new, if you keep the old Windows version, MS are paranoid, so it will detect everything as new hardware!
Your CPU, Mobo, GPU, etc all have different serial numbers and will be detected as new hardware, this will be like plenty of red flags for Windows.
Good luck with wasting more time than a fresh install.
I do agree, Windows will probably barf on your hardware as it's so different from the original setup.
Best of luck to you with your lazarus effect!
So I received the new motherboard today. Installed all the hardware and the mobo. When I plug it in, I can see the charging light, but pressing the power button does nothing. I disassembled and reassembled, checking all connections. Same result. Per the seller, all boards are tested prior to shipping so I don’t think it’s an issue with the board. Any ideas? Do you know how I can jump this board to at least see if everything is working? Thanks!
So I received the new motherboard today. Installed all the hardware and the mobo. When I plug it in, I can see the charging light, but pressing the power button does nothing. I disassembled and reassembled, checking all connections. Same result. Per the seller, all boards are tested prior to shipping so I don’t think it’s an issue with the board. Any ideas? Do you know how I can jump this board to at least see if everything is working? Thanks!
I presume you did an EC Reset?
Actually, after looking at what that is, I do believe I did that. I removed the battery and held the power button forever.
Any help would be appreciated. I’m at a complete loss. I have 30 days to return the board. Would like to give it every effort possible before going that route and buying a new laptop. Thanks!