MSI Clutch GM50 macro


New member
Jun 4, 2019
I just bought the following mouse MSI Clutch GM50.

Can someone help me out and tell me how can I record a macro.
I want to set, so my mouse 1 button is binded to my mouse 5 button. So instead of me clicking all the time, I just want to hold the mouse 5 and to auto click for me. But for some reason I can't get to work. When I select mouse 5 button, than from down select macro and when I try to record the macro, when I press mouse 1 nothing happens, it does not record.

Is this what you want to achieve?


  • GM50.PNG
    506 KB · Views: 361
Thanks I didn't know I had to choose Button L for it to act as mouse1. Which is why I see Button 1 is Button L. Is there a way to make it so when I hold the button (Button5) to endlessly click for me? Rather than just clicking like the default button 1 by 1? Is there like an option to set a delay where after certain amount of time to click again? Like let's say I want while I am holding the mouse5 button to click infinitely?