"For Nahimic, we have prepared a relatively new version SWC4.11.7, which corresponds to 24H2 and solves some compatibility issues." Keyword, "some" but always better than none.
In search of the latest, greatest & leaked updates. Unfortunately a lot &/or too many sites are just unreliable. They fail to state that many posted updates are manufacture limited or even fail to state which manufacturer it's limited to let alone if it's model specific. Anyone who has some computer knowledge knows how complicated these updates can be. Brand, models in those brands which processor running your running & which version of Windows.
Next, I spoke about using NTLite to help make an 24H2 ISO. Recently got reminded why I stopped using it 20 years ago.
Buying a license, not a problem. It's paying for component removal on an individual component basis. For me that is totally unacceptable. I'll look in at the GitHub for other options. I be taking a pass on all the AI stuff being shoved at us. Example, Windows Picture App with AI is 1 gig of space. Way too big for me, I'll be going back to the original Windows Picture Viewer. 24H2 to run games with no AI ever needed. Didn't need it before & don't need it now. I will be removing Edge & Edge Webveiw2 along with all their/MS other useless junk in the trunk. The latest trick I tried out was taking away MS/System/Trusted Installer Registry key permissions to a denied status for stubborn situations. Notepad with AI, really? It finally just got a spell check. This time I will be removing as much MS junk as possible. Thanks MichelN86 & Pesedm for your latest updates !