MSI Interceptor DS B1 button mapping - how I did it


New member
Nov 29, 2017

the MSI Interceptor DS B1 is a cheap but awesome mouse that uses stock Windows drivers.  

Since MSI does not provide a button mapping program or drivers for the MSI Interceptor DS B1 that I could find, thought I would share a program that I found on the internet.  So it is not a mouse driver, but a program that you configure to reconfigure mouse buttons to do other things.

X-Mouse Button Control

X-Mouse Button Control is a free tool for Windows that allows you to re-configure and expand the capabilities of your mouse.

For example, I need to map my left side mouse4 button to the ALT key for the mmo I play.  Set up is pretty straightforward.  On the Mouse Button 4 box I selected custom key and put in {ALT}, and changed the setting "How to send the simulated key strokes:" to "3 During(press on down, release on up)

Seems to work great so far!

The MSI forum thread MSI Interceptor DS B1 - How to configure side buttons?" does helpfully mention 'generic software' but it also erroneously has a link to anotherr mouse's driver (that I could not get to work ).

Thanks to anyone else for correction or alternatives to this.  
Hopes this helps someone else!

MSI page for the INTERCEPTOR DS300