MSI MPG 341CQPX - FW.023 - ABL Issues?


New member
Dec 21, 2024
Just updated this morning to FW.023 on the 341CQPX and the ABL seems extremely aggressive to the point where its dimming the dark grey task bar on a black background Windows desktop. Is anyone else experiencing this or is this working as intended? The firmware notes say "Boost the HDR brightness with difference APL mechanism."

On the previous firmware FW.020 I could use Windows HDR calibration to hit 1020 nits or so during the calibration now it dims basically the same as TrueBlack 400 mode unable to get any reading above 450 nits or so. Was ABL simply disabled on FW.020 for HDR 1000 mode?

edit: After doing a monitor reset it looks like the dimming doesn't effect the dark areas anymore of the monitor. And also the EOTF does indeed seem to be a lot more accurate.

Any engineers or moderators able to respond please?
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I have the same problem after upgrading, the abl is extremely aggressive, the calibration at 1000 nits is the same as TrueBlack 400 nits. I have tried resetting the monitor and it is still the same. It's a shame
I have the same problem after upgrading, the abl is extremely aggressive, the calibration at 1000 nits is the same as TrueBlack 400 nits. I have tried resetting the monitor and it is still the same. It's a shame

Ive been asking around on Discord about this and apparently this is how ABL is supposed to act when its functioning properly. My question then for MSI is was ABL simply disabled before on HDR1000 mode? How was it reading up to 1020 nits in HDR calibration and on HDR white tests?

HDR white levels -
HDR black levels -

On the flip side, it also does appear to actually be getting brighter in small highlights in games and the EOTF in User mode is MUCH more accurate so those are definite wins. I've just set my profile to 1000 nits in Windows HDR calibration and also in games and it does seems to be working well.
Ive been asking around on Discord about this and apparently this is how ABL is supposed to act when its functioning properly. My question then for MSI is was ABL simply disabled before on HDR1000 mode? How was it reading up to 1020 nits in HDR calibration and on HDR white tests?

HDR white levels -
HDR black levels -

On the flip side, it also does appear to actually be getting brighter in small highlights in games and the EOTF in User mode is MUCH more accurate so those are definite wins. I've just set my profile to 1000 nits in Windows HDR calibration and also in games and it does seems to be working well.
I don't understand very well about HDR, you mean you have calibrated the monitor at 1000nits in the windows tool independently of the ABL and it looks better?
I don't understand very well about HDR, you mean you have calibrated the monitor at 1000nits in the windows tool independently of the ABL and it looks better?
Basically just ignore the test patterns in the Windows HDR test and in games and set it to 1000 nits wherever you can. This monitor technically does 1015, at least on mine, but i like the rounded number of 1000 plus it might help with any small amount of clipping. And yeah, it does appear like the small highlights (2% windows and smaller like lamps and sun in games) look brighter with the new ABL algorithm.
Tento problém jsem měl již na verzi 020. Poprvé byla kalibrace úspěšná a když jsem to chtěl udělat znovu, tak to nešlo. Smazal jsem kalibrační profil, odinstaloval kalibrační program. Po nějaké době jsem to zkusil znovu a zase to fungovalo. Na verzi 023 už to ale nefunguje :D Bohužel verze 023 má další problém. Barvy při použití HDR ve hrách už nejsou vymyté a vypadají krásně, ale když použijí 1000 nitů, začne jas divoce kolísat, pokud se dívám na světlá místa jako slunce.

EDIT:recorded a video from HDR 1000 nits, this brightness fluctuation happens in all games. In the 400 nits mode, the brightness is stable.
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It is dimming extremely aggressively in HDR 1000 mode in bright games. I guess all we can hope for is another firmware update.
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It will be up to 1000 nits when Average Picture Level (APL) lower under HDR mode.
It will be back to 400 nits when APL higher even setting value is Peak 1000 nits.
It's not so much that it's dimming it's that the dimming is very noticeably and very sporadic. Like it will dim one scene that isn't even as bright as another and it will constantly shift back and forth between dimming certain scenes creating a flashing effect.

I've also experienced this in Windows with my Windows SDR brightness set to five while in HDR mode which equals 100 nits at pure white. The dimming just seems random and broken.
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Turns out there's some validity to this:

He talks about the odd dimming behavior I described around 7:50. For me it's happening in brighter and mid tones in games too.