
New member
Sep 1, 2010
I'm facing a weird issue with my pc:

If I turn on the PC, the system starts up fine, but within 30 secs up to 5 minutes I get a BSOD (usually MEMORY_MANAGEMENT).
If I then restart the system it will run fine..
CPU intensive gaming, memory checks, benchmarks, standby and wakeup, all runs fine... after a first BSOD.

I've tried all kinds of memory settings, but nothing seems to help. Also hard to test if it runs fine after a crash.
It's almost like the system needs to warm-up a bit and then it will run fine  :bonk:
The BSOD message indicates a memory issue, but then I would expect random BSOD, not only right after cold start.

Any suggestions?

MSI P55 GD65 - latest 1.9 bios
Windows 7 64bit
Geil DDR3-1600 2x2GB Black Dragon GB34GB1600C8DC

This Geil ram is not in the MSI memory list but Geil shows the MSI P55 GD65 in their compatibility list for this memory:
"All motherboards listed on the GeIL Qualified Motherboard List ? GQML have been tested with the specified GeIL memory kits for compatibility, stability and
performance by GeILs? FAE to ensure best quality."


thanks for taking a look.
I already did and even swapped slots.
Also, it doesn't make sense to me why it would fail shortly after start up, but not while being used/stressed for extended time..
Don't forget, things expand with heat; hence why I suggested reseating the RAM. In your shoes I'd reseat the CPU too to rule out contact issues, checking for bent pins at the same time.
Raise the memory voltage slightly (~1.6V).  If that does not change anything, please test each module seperately with memtest86+ to make sure every stick is working properly.
Status update:

I've reset the bios to safe defaults.
Started up memtest86+ and screen turned red rather then blue, so lots of mem-errors.
Restarted and then memtest ran fine for more then 10 hours.
Passed 20 times all tests no errors with both Dimms inserted.

Then I tested cold start with 1 dimm only:
- with 1 DIMM in slot 3 only system cold-starts fine and memtest runs fine with no errors.
- with 1 DIMM in slot 1 only system cold-starts fine and memtest starts up but then doesn't even start a test. So it seems to be hanging already.
Swapping both dimms showed the same result.

Preliminary conclusion now is a faulty slot 1  :undecided:
Does it indeed sound like a slot 1 issue?
MB is the worst part to RMA, so hopefully I can find a solution.... slot 1 seems not to be completely broken after all.

PS: increasing to 1.6V I had already tried before without success.