Well, i can only write English and hope that people can read it properly and understand me.
Here is an example for a system fan aka case fan:
Starting / leftmost point at 35°C with relatively low speed, gradually increasing, ending with 100% speed at 90°C. Now, this is because i use a big cooler on a relatively frugal CPU in my system, so it never actually gets near 90°C. When you actually have a monster CPU like the 14th gen i7 which can push even good coolers to their limit, you want the fans on the AIO's radiator to go to full speed for sure, but maybe not all system fans as well, because that would create an orcane-like noise if all fans went to 100%. But you can decide that, you can also change it later. For now, you can set up all the fans something similar to this.
I notice that all your case fans / system fans are set to DC voltage control instead of PWM control. You should try setting it to PWM on the left, like you see on my picture, and see if they still respond to the fan curve, or if they go to full speed. If they respond to PWM control, that's the superior way of controlling them. Then you can set everything similar as on my picture.
The pump unit of the AIO is a bit of an exception. Like i said, it will have much higher RPM, it will have a narrower range of speeds, and it will not contribute much to the noise. So for that pump only, you can use a different curve, one that stays a bit higher for all the points, but still goes to 100% for 90°C.