new NVIDIA drivers 30.82


New member
Jul 8, 2002
.. are they better than previous offcial drivers 29.42 or not? What about your experience?

going by other forums, these drivers are meant to be more stable for Gf4's with minor decrease in performance(very small if system is setup correct).
Performance wise upto the 29.42 they have gotten most of what they can from testing with Gf3 (shading, texture loads etc).
Hopefully we will see major performance increase with much later release of Dets. Thats why I am staying at 29.42.
this is WHQL certified. i will see the results first from you guys.

Maybe i will wait until it release in MSI download, at least i still get MSI clock for easy o/clocking.
I think I was having some problems with the 30.82 drivers as well. After upgrading, my computer crashed randomly in the middle of whatever 3D game I was playing.

Finally I just reverted to the latest MSI drivers 30.00 and so far everything is good.

Is there something I am missing? ?(