Yes I have programmed a custom curve in the BIOS for this fan, but I can't attach the photo here because it is too big for the server.
Either resize it down, or upload it to an image hoster and link it here.
Examples: , , , , .
MSI support only suggests that I contact my reseller for the problem to be taken care of, and moreover it seems that this Motherboard is no longer available on the market...
Yes, it depends on the country, in some countries they do warranty stuff through the vendor you bought the board at. But as mentioned, they probably can only offer to replace the whole board, which would be way too much hassle for this little problem, so i would never do that. It's better to solve this yourself somehow.
You have to know, and i don't mean to be respectful to you in any way, but by buying a GODLIKE board model, you are being viewed by them as a "
whale" (Youtube), that's not to say, a sucker they can make a lot of profit off. Yes, those boards use nice components, overkill on every level, but it doesn't make it the best board model, just the most expensive one. It's usually better to get a board that sells in bigger volumes and uses the most reasonable high-end parts (in other words, the highest board model to get would always be the ACE or UNIFY). By getting a more commonly sold board model, there will be a far bigger number of users providing bug reports and other feedback to MSI to hopefully help them sort out any issues. That's just for future reference. I would not recommend buying the most expensive board from any board maker, half if it goes straight into their pocket, and some of the rest is spent on things that don't really give you an advantage over something like an ACE model. And yes, we had disappointing problems with GODLIKE boards before, like displays not working as they should.
It's difficult to accept less than perfection for the money you paid, yes, i'm absolutely with you, regardless of how i otherwise think about the GODLIKE models. Still, if we weigh the amount of work and hassle replacing the board would cause, i would instead opt for a very pragmatic and cost-effective solution of using something like a Y-splitter-cable for a different fan header, to put two fans on the same fan curve and avoid the problematic fan header.