Problems with B550 Gaming Plus and RAM


New member
Sep 7, 2021
I have problems with the RAM. Everything works when I have only one RAM stick in A2. If I put another RAM stick in B2 I get 3 long beeps and the EZ Debug LED for memory lights up. I have now tried a total of 12 RAM sticks and it is always the same. It doesn't matter if it's G-Skill, Corsair or Kingston. All of these sticks work with other computers without any problems and also on this board they work in A2 but only as long as I don't have anything in B2.

I can use another stick in A1, so A1 and A2 together. That works, but then I get a message at boot time that it is not populated correctly that way. This is true of course, but this way I can use 16 GB at least for now.

I have updated the BIOS, loaded the BIOS defaults, nothing helps. I even managed to find a jumper in another 15 years old PC to reset the BIOS. I'm afraid the B banks are probably not ok?! I don't see how it could be anything but the board. Any suggestions before I return it?
Small side note, you don't have to use a jumper to Clear CMOS. A jumper is just a piece of metal, shorting the two pins, so you can use a screwdriver to do that as well, for example.

Anyway. One thing is important to realize: RAM slots are completely passive components. They are connected to the memory controller (IMC) inside the CPU. All the intelligence is inside the CPU's IMC and in the BIOS code. So when a memory channel gives you problems, you should look at two things: BIOS and CPU.

As for the BIOS.
Download the topmost BIOS (yes, the beta), extract the file onto a USB stick, enter BIOS, enter M-FLASH and select the file to update.

And for the CPU, reseat the CPU. The IMC (integrated memory controller) is inside the CPU, this is the actual brain of the memory system, the rest are mostly passive elements (except the memory VRM). When the CPU is out, carefully check for bent pins in the socket or any kind of foreign object like a hair etc. I'm sure you're aware, but you will have to clean the CPU heatspreader and cooler base of the old thermal interface material, using high-purity alcohol (Isopropanol) and a lint-free cloth and perhaps some q-tips, then apply a pea-sized blob of new heatpaste before you install it all back.

If you still get the same problem after doing these steps, i would first suspect the CPU, not the mainboard. As i said, the slots of the mainboard are simply a way to connect the RAM to the CPU, they don't have much potential to go bad. Of course, it could still be a BIOS problem and not the CPU.
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I updated the BIOS to the latest Beta version. I reseated the CPU, but both steps did not help either. Furthermore, I spoke to the techs from the shop where I bought my components, and they said when part of the RAM works, it is extremely unlikely that it is a CPU problem. He also mentioned that they had strange RAM problems with this board several times before with other customers. I was told to just return it, and they send me a new one. I hope that will resolve the problems then.