Problems with my pc not recognizing components

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New member
Jan 21, 2025
Hi, I just bought a new PC from a second hand dealer here in chile, the thing first i tried to connect an ethernet cable to the PC but it just wouldnt recognize the cable nor the signal, I tought it had something to with the drivers so i installed them and it maked no diference at all, when i tried installing the drivers for the GPU it also didnt recognize it, as if it wasnt on the pc, iv'e already cheked if everything was well connected inside the PC and saw no problem, if someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated

current build
MB: Asrock H61M DGS
CPU: i7 3770
GPU: AMD r9 380 4gb
RAM: Generic 8GB
DISK: Hdd 1tb and SSD 128gb
Hi, I just bought a new PC from a second hand dealer here in chile, the thing first i tried to connect an ethernet cable to the PC but it just wouldnt recognize the cable nor the signal, I tought it had something to with the drivers so i installed them and it maked no diference at all, when i tried installing the drivers for the GPU it also didnt recognize it, as if it wasnt on the pc, iv'e already cheked if everything was well connected inside the PC and saw no problem, if someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated

current build
MB: Asrock H61M DGS
CPU: i7 3770
GPU: AMD r9 380 4gb
RAM: Generic 8GB
DISK: Hdd 1tb and SSD 128gb
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