PVS application - try to change options, but they don't change


New member
Jun 1, 2010
I just installed the PVS application on an old XP box. If I try to change any of the settings (e.g. TV tab, change Antenna to Cable), it fails to save those settings.  It immediately reverts back to the original settings.  Needless to say, this means the app doesn't work.  The account I'm using has administrator capabilities.  Thanks.
The TV@Anywhere product.  I think I made the mistake of letting Windows XP scan the installation CD when it detected new hardware.  I did install the drivers and software, and then the PVS application, but it fails to allow me to change settings, in particular the TV source (cable/antenna) and country (which always returns back to Afghanistan).  I found another post that described the same situation, and I followed the instructions to uninstall the app, drivers, and reinstall everything, rebooting between steps, but it still fails to work.  I suspect Windows XP has another driver installed that I can't seem to get rid of.  Any help would be appreciated.

Similar post: https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=100684.0
I presume he's referring to the original TV@nywhere:

Or the TV@nywhere Master:

Everything I ever knew about the TV@nywhere Master and its 'quirks' is documented here:

OK, I finally got the drivers to work  My failure was in following the instructions mentioned earlier, specifically to ignore the Windows "found hardware" dialog.

Here's what did not work: Uninstall the drivers, reboot, install drivers, reboot (using the old drivers that came on the CDROM, or the drivers downloaded from this web site).  I would either get the "found new hardware" dialog box when starting, or the PVS application would not behave properly, or some other failure.  I tried this perhaps a dozen times.  It always failed.

Here's what did work: install the drivers downloaded from this site, open the device manager, and observe one driver that did not install properly - right click on it, selected "reinstall" or "upgrade driver" (don't remember which), and following the Windows hardware installation dialogs that followed, reinstalled using the drivers previously downloaded - after this, everything worked fine.

So thanks for some advice - you might want to update your FAQ page.