SATA3 or SATA2 for Boot Drive?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Hey Guys - 

Hopefully just a quick, easy question - I'll be using a Crucial RealSSD 128G to install Win7 Pro 64-bit.

Originally I thought to use the fastest port and that is the SATA 6Gb/s of course. On the Big Bang X-Power there's 2 of them.

But while researching I've found that many consider the Marvell controller to be buggy and not very good. Apparently it doesn't pass TRIM commands either.

I'm looking for your thoughts and experience with the Marvell controller on an SSD - so anything you can share will be much appreciated.


I would suggest you take the time and test that particular SSD on both controllers, run some benchmarks etc. and compare the results.  That should not take you more than a few hours and your findings will not only be of value to you but for everybody else as well.  So far, I do not recall that anyone has made that kind of test yet with that Crucial SSD.  Be a pioneer!  :biggthumbsup:
Alright then - I will! It's the least I can do in return for all the help I've had from you and this board.

Unfortunately I don't know (yet) what testing on both requires - I mean I know what benchmark utilities are good, I just don't know exactly how to go about it, what it entails.

Once I'm setup, Win is installed, updated, I'm up and running on the SATA3 port. Now I want to test the SATA2 port - is it a simple matter of unplugging and plugging back in? Or is it a whole new install?

- I can only imagine how silly that question sounds to experienced benchmarking types!

SATA3 & SATA2 ports run off the same controller. You mean SATA 6Gb/s (SATA III) & SATA 3Gb/s (SATA II)? Original OS install should work off both controllers if moved. Did you set SATA1-6 off the ICH10R & the SATA7-8 off the Marvell 88SE9128 to IDE or AHCI prior to loading the OS?
yeah, sorry about the terminology - when I said SATA3 I meant SATA III,  the SATA 6Gb/s ports.

I've got every BIOS option that offers a choice of IDE or AHCI or RAID set to AHCI. It's a bit confusing to me on the Integrated Peripherals page. The SATA 6Gb/s ports are clearly listed, but to find the other SATA ports 1-5 apparently they're under "On-Chip ATA Devices." That makes sense now but it didn't at first - the Marvell-controlled SATA III ports 7&8 aren't actually on the chip (which one reviewer used as a "knock" on it).

The thing that's confusing is when you choose On-Chip ATA Devices , the only place for IDE/AHCI options is under RAID mode. I thought since I wasn't running a RAID array I shouldn't mess with that - but now I see that's the only place to change the controller for SATA ports 1-5. (I hope I'm right about that)

I just keep seeing terrible press about the Marvell controller that I changed back to the native SATA port for my SSD - even though it supposedly is SATA III (Crucial RealSSD 128G).

I haven't installed Windows yet but I'm about to. I'd love advice on whether to use those Marvell-controlled SATA III ports.

Thanks Henry!

[edit: Or if the advice includes "it's easy to switch" then I guess I'll try the faster port right? Oh, and "easy to switch" to me means not having to reinstall Windows. Thanks.]
the Marvell-controlled SATA III ports 7&8 aren't actually on the chip.
Yes, the Marvell controller is an 'external' controller separate from the ICH10R. Since your SSD is a genuine designed SATA III & you have AHCI set in bios prior to OS loading, that would be the way to go. It can get confusing on setting up AHCI on the two different controllers, but it looks like you have set it up correctly. The other nice thing about AHCI is Sys Tray 'Remove Hardware' feature for the drives.

Added: Some additional thoughts on this, use the SATA III 7 port with your SSD. Reason, if it doesn't work right, it needs to get reported to MSI & fixed.
sure. I mean, don't you deserve an all-around THANKS! once in awhile?

doh, sorry HU16E - I meant to thank you specifically. But Henry is welcome to share it if you're willing!

btw, I think I better clarify something I've been writing about the Marvell 88SE9128 controller - nearly all of the "bad press" and bad reviews were talking about using it in a RAID array - RAID 0 mostly.

I am going to use it for a single SSD and for that apparently it isn't bad at all...

I guess like everything it depends who you read.

Once I'm up and running and find out how hard it is to switch my boot drive over to one of the on-chip ports, I'll post some comparisons.
"The other nice thing about AHCI is Sys Tray 'Remove Hardware' feature for the drives."

Thanks again Henry - ! jk, Thanks HU - to me that sounds like the way USB thumb drives work?
Could it be that easy if I wanted to switch ports and use one of the SATA II? (after I've already installed Win using the SATA III port?

That would be pretty remarkable I must say...
Your too fast for me! :lol_anim: Two replies before I even had one done! I did add a comment to my other post on the bottom.
heehee - oh yeah, I'm scrambling today - got to get this installation started and clear my head a little.

So - dumb question but - if I were to use the SATA 8 port and it didn't work - wouldn't MSI want to know about that too?
if I were to use the SATA 8 port and it didn't work - wouldn't MSI want to know about that too?
Well, yeah! :bonk: I mean if it works great in port 7, not really a need to try port 8 unless just to verify it works the same. Which I guess if you are testing to the max, that's the way to do it. :-))
Oh MAN! thanks guys - see, that's how crazy this process has me!

(msi only wants to know about port 7 - yea right! - oh boy I'm goofy.)

Thanks again - Win7 installation is underway - on Port 7.
So okay - all went well. I've got Win 7 Pro 64-bit on my system now - I even used DISKPART during the installation to create an aligned, primary partition for the OS. But I have a question about what I see in Device Manager.

[edit: shoot, maybe even before that I should figure out why WEI is only 5.9 for my SSD. All the other scores are 7.8...wonder what's wrong...]

EDIT #2: Please DISREGARD this post - Everything except the sincere THANK YOUs. I updated the drivers that had the ! and now I've got 7.9 for my SSD, everything else is 7.8. All is well :)

If I should start a new thread, please advise me and I'll post my questions there.

My question is about the 2 exclamation points under Other Devices - it says there's no driver installed for Marvell 98xx, also for USB Controller.

No other exclamation points - but I thought I am using the Marvell controller right now. Also, I have a USB thumb drive plugged into my front panel and I'm reading/writing from that just fine.

In any case, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your help. There is no way I could've done this without you guys. You're the BEST!
My question is about the 2 exclamation points under Other Devices - it says there's no driver installed for Marvell 98xx, also for USB Controller.
Even after loading the drivers from the install DVD? Try loading them again.

I guess you didn't notice I edited my post - I should've just written a reply to myself then you would've seen it - So yes, once I installed the 2 drivers everything was fine.

I still don't understand how Windows DevMngr can tell me I have "no driver installed" and yet I'm using the device as I'm reading through DevMngr.

Maybe it's just one of those things - Windows says "no driver" when what it means is "the driver you're using is causing problems."


on a related subject - about the "Intel 3/4/5 Chipset Driver. I've googled it and read somewhat but I can't make sense out of it.

The Big Bang XPower is an X58 chipset. When I think of a chipset I think of the north bridge and the south bridge, together, as one system of interfaces, electrical connections, etc - the chipset.

Whatever this "3/4/5 chipset" is, where it fits into the architecture of the motherboard I have no idea.

I'll keep googling but if anyone feels like writing a few words about it, or tell me a good site to read I'd be very grateful. There a plenty of holes in my knowledge about computing but this is a huge one.

Thanks guys!
"Intel 3/4/5 Chipset Driver"
That's the right one. 3/4/5 Intel provides a driver that covers a grouping of chips. When you go to install it, it searches & selects the right one automatically.  
As in P3x series such as P31/P35, P41/P45, H55/H57/X58, all bundled together and OS sucks out whatever it needs for the MB chipset in use. ;D
Thanks HU, thanks Henry  - I never figured one download could serve so many chipsets...

Unfortunately MSI doesn't give any explanation of what it does, if it fixes anything, blows up your computer on command - could be anything I guess!
I've read the (confusing) ReadMe file - no clues as to what it updates...

Do I stick with "Don't install unless you're having problems" - this particular driver set with its INF files and whatnot, it seems a little different than a normal driver update. Maybe the best thing to do is leave well-enough alone - or do these Chipset Drivers generally improve performance?
