Star Wars Outlaws Promotion 4070 SUPER doesn't appear to be eligible

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New member
Dec 6, 2024
I purchased my GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER on 09-Nov-2024. Looking at Promotion/join-the-galaxys-most-wanted It looks like the product should be eligible for "Star Wars Outlaws Promotion". However promotion "NV Q3 Join The Galaxy's Most Wanted" doesn't list any GeForce RTX cards in the "Eligible Products". Which is preventing me from continuing with the redemption.

Any help would be appreciated.
Im also having an issue where its requesitng me to "upload" the product Barcode. which i have no idea how to do
I'm not sure what your issue is maybe you need to upload a picture of the barcode.

My issue is that for the graphics card I'm too late to get the promotion. Although the redemption date is till the 19 of December you needed to have required a code before the 12 of November
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