StarCam 370i - low quality colour

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New member
Jul 8, 2002
Problem: If not using StarCam 370i in a sunny room the picture turns purple and the dark coloures come up incorrect as shown in the pictures below (correct firs, SC second).


(Supposed) explanation: We found it is because of the lack/faulty (? not sure yet) of an IR filter layer. Probably the cam was designed like this to be able to work in night mode. Please read this article to understand the necessity of the IR filter and read through the topic for details (especially from this post).

Solution: Use an energy saving (neon based) bulb. It produces less IR light than the normal light bulbs. Please read this post.

Will update this post if we figure out anything important.

Original first post:

I asked my sister to bring a StarCam 370i for me from the UK. I got it, it's cool but I'm very disappointed about the coloures. It looks like it doesn't like dark coloures. My black t-shirt is light grey, my dark blue one is light purple, my darg green chair is also light purple...

I tried to adjust the colour settings but couldn't set it up. Is this normal? What can be wrong? :(
I use the latest driver from the msi webpage (she left the CD in Englang :( ).

Yes I have, with 3 different computers.

To show you what's the problem:


This has been taken with a Panasonic FZ-30,
so this is the "original".


And this has been taken with the StarCam 370i.

Of course I don't want a web camera to produce a picture at the same quality as a very good digatal camera does, but it's really worse than I supposed to be!  :biggthumbsdown:
i think you are trying to compare apples to oranges. StarCam is designed as just a webcam, not meant to be as high quality as a good digital camera

of course, try the StarCam on another computer, and then compare its output; if its better, then you know there are some software settings that need to be changed on your computer

Did you read what I had written?

Dr Stu > have you tried it in another computer, to see if it does the same?
szucsati > Yes I have, with 3 different computers.
Dr Stu > of course, try the StarCam on another computer, and then compare its output;...

szucsati > Of course I don't want a web camera to produce a picture at the same quality as a very good digatal camera
Dr Stu > ...StarCam is designed as just a webcam, not meant to be as high quality as a good digital camera


I put an example from my very cheap webcam to my previous post

See what I mean? It's rediculous that everything comes up purple on a such an expensive webcam but a cheap one can make it (on the other hand it's slow and can only be used in daytime). Is there an other driver that I could try? I'm very disappointed!  :wall:  :crying:
Unfortunatelly I have no papers for the device. My sister didn't check the box for the CD or the papers :(. Can I use the RMA withouth papers? I think I can...

And first I'd like to know if it's really a hw problem. I found two reviews with sample images and they seem a bit purple as well:

Can it be "normal"??  :crying:
No idea on either but as the cam is obviously in warrenty as they haven't been on the market that long MSI may help you out. All you can do is try.
:lol_anim: you wear clothes while using a webcam? i must be looking at the wrong type of webcams ;) :lmao:

I've got a similar problem. Like in the photo of the ladybird mouse, bright red shows up pink. All the colours are off.
I've tried this in several computers including one with an msi 6368 motherboard, and they all have the same problem. I've tried adjusting every setting in amcap but nothing improves it.
I'm running windows xp sp2 with all the latest updates.
I can't fault the quality of the images for a webcam, but this colour problem makes it unusable. I actually bought it to take some images of some items to sell on ebay.
Not much use if it doesn't show the right colours.
You all should be contacting MSI about this. They mayu be able to correct it with a software update. However they don't read the posts here so if you don't contact them they won't know that your unhappy.
I asked the MSI support:

Dear MSI,

I bought an MSI StarCam 370i and I am very disappointed about it's colours. The dark coloures are incorrect on the screen and somehow everything is purple. Please see these pictures:

I wonder if you have ever seen something like this and what can I do to correct this. Should I use RMA?

Yours faithfully,
Attila Szucs


Regarding to your concern,please contact your reseller (the place you bought the board from) for repair/exchange. If the reseller for some reason cannot help, please check if there is MSI office nearby. MSI office If by chance , there is no MSI branch office, you can try to contact MSI distributors nearby. you could find there address or website on this link.  MSI distributors  for more assistance.


Dear MSI,

I asked the reseller to check if they also find this problem or only my one is wrong. Unfortunately the camera is from abroad and it is not on the market in my country. I do not want to post the item before I find somebody to check his camera for this problem. I am sure you do not have one in your hand to have a look on it.
Unfortunately my sister left the box with the CD and all the papers in the UK. Will I be able to use RMA without papers? Is the serial number enough?

Thank you for your answere.

Yours faithfully,
Attila Szucs


Regarding to your concern, we can not guarantee that they can help you RMA without papers but we suggest you try to contact to them for more help.please check if there is MSI office nearby. MSI office If by chance , there is no MSI branch office, you can try to contact MSI distributors nearby. you could find there address or website on this link.  MSI distributors  for more assistance.


I will ask the Hungarian office but I'm very busy nowdays. I'm afraid it's not a sw problem but the fault of the sensor.  And I'm not sure if the reseller really checked the colours... So I'm still not sure if these are wrong devices or the 370i serie has a poor quality sensor.
this is a very wild guess of a suggestion, but there isn't any clear film protecting the lens is there, that should be removed before using? :think:

No there's no film. And it's not an overlay or something, just the dark coloures goes purple.
Somehow if there's lower light, it seem better. Strange.
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