Can someone PLEASE tell me what the specs for the video capture (TV/Video IN) capabilities of these cards are??!
I've read countless tests and reviews, and NONE of them (MSI specs included) mention A SINGLE WORD about technical specs for the capture abilities.
- what FRAMERATES does it support? (25/29.997/?)
- what RESOLUTIONS ..? (352x288 ? 704x576 ?)
- what output formats? (ie are you forced to use some weirdo MPEG2 format they've decided is nice for you, or can you actually use 3rd party applications to save .avi's
of your own preferred settings .. ie VirtualDUB, Premiere, ..)
Also, I'm a bit curious about the general quality of the captures done by these cards.. Are they any good? Or are they moderate, since the main features seem to be 3D/games galore..?
Ie, if it supports full-size captures (704x576), are you haunted by interlacing (every 2nd line is updated every 2nd frame), or does it actually produce a full-size clear picture?
I'm considering getting a TI4400, partially because it has video/tv-in, but since there's no specs available or the reviews just drown in 3D benchmarks it leaves me with a cry for help :o
I've read countless tests and reviews, and NONE of them (MSI specs included) mention A SINGLE WORD about technical specs for the capture abilities.
- what FRAMERATES does it support? (25/29.997/?)
- what RESOLUTIONS ..? (352x288 ? 704x576 ?)
- what output formats? (ie are you forced to use some weirdo MPEG2 format they've decided is nice for you, or can you actually use 3rd party applications to save .avi's
of your own preferred settings .. ie VirtualDUB, Premiere, ..)
Also, I'm a bit curious about the general quality of the captures done by these cards.. Are they any good? Or are they moderate, since the main features seem to be 3D/games galore..?
Ie, if it supports full-size captures (704x576), are you haunted by interlacing (every 2nd line is updated every 2nd frame), or does it actually produce a full-size clear picture?
I'm considering getting a TI4400, partially because it has video/tv-in, but since there's no specs available or the reviews just drown in 3D benchmarks it leaves me with a cry for help :o