TV @nywhere, no video



Installed TV @nywhere but not getting any video.
Using cable input, windvr, winxp.
Windvr finds all the channels during autoscan, and can hear audio for all the channels just no video.

I would imagine it is a video drive issue but have updated everything I can find

Any one have any ideas?

Have tried powervcr, asusdigital vcr all the same thing

geforce 2mx400
msi-6380 motherboard
did you make sure that you told it to use the msi pvs driver for video instead of the nvidia wdm driver.
Try turning down the acceleration on the card. I'm running a GeForce TI4200 and ran into similar problem as you (and also situation where video file would download, then hang) on the music video site. Turning down the acceleration for this site cured the problem.
Yes, I am using the MSI driver. I also lowed the video acceleration. Still nothing.

Any other ideas to try
