Unigine Valley Benchmarks - Extreme HD


Mar 20, 2014
Good morning - thought it might be cool to have a recent Unigine Valley benchmark thread.

I know a lot of people are getting their hands on the newer 970 and 980 cards and perhaps other members would like to know where their hardware stacks against some of the newer deliciousness.

Threads like this can be found all over the interweb but I figured this MSI only bench thread would be cool!

Here are my results for my 780TI SLI setup. Feel free to share your own - but be sure to run the "Extreme HD" preset so we're comparing using the same benchmark settings.

Note: Here's a link to download the Unigine Valley benchmark tool if you'd like to give it a shot. >>https://unigine.com/products/valley/download/<<

I know there's gotta be someone out there who's willing to post their results! This could become the official thread - I'd be so proud.

Anyway, so after playing some Alien Isolation last night and then some Far Cry 3, I thought I'd bench again. Why? I don't know. Doesn't sound like the ideal time to run a benchmark - but here are the results. Strange eh?

sorry I can only contribute a 3dmark bench as I paid for it I prefer to stick with it, did this few minutes ago

29302 graphics score with 2x msi gtx 980 4gd5 reference no modded bios

1521 MHz / 4001 MHz

ASIC 71.0% / 66.9%

74?C temp max / Air cooling / 100% fans

Pretty low score with that preset.

Edit: Even if mine is low I put it in just for comparison purposes.

Very nice guys! Keep them coming!

I find that this bench seems to vary quite a bit. I can do several back to back benches, then, reboot, close down all the same processes to get a clean environment and my score will be like the first one I posted. Low 4K vs the 5K I got second! It's driving me mental...

Anyway - thank you for the sticky! I've never had a thread stickied - ever - and I like it.
neoclerodane said:
Nice! I'd like to see two 980's or even 970's in SLI on this benchmark.

Here's mine again, just ran it last night after a clean boot.

If possible could you run it with only 1 gpu active? I'd like to see how I stack up with the single 980 and then try to estimate how an sli 980 would do.
Nowhere close to the 900 series card, but still serves me well at anything I have thrown at it. This card has been a real gem in all aspects.

RippyZ said:
If possible could you run it with only 1 gpu active? I'd like to see how I stack up with the single 980 and then try to estimate how an sli 980 would do.

Sure, I'll give it a shot tonight if I can get to it!