Unigine Valley Benchmarks - Extreme HD


Mar 20, 2014
Good morning - thought it might be cool to have a recent Unigine Valley benchmark thread.

I know a lot of people are getting their hands on the newer 970 and 980 cards and perhaps other members would like to know where their hardware stacks against some of the newer deliciousness.

Threads like this can be found all over the interweb but I figured this MSI only bench thread would be cool!

Here are my results for my 780TI SLI setup. Feel free to share your own - but be sure to run the "Extreme HD" preset so we're comparing using the same benchmark settings.

Note: Here's a link to download the Unigine Valley benchmark tool if you'd like to give it a shot. >>https://unigine.com/products/valley/download/<<

Valley benchmark reports wrong Mhz on GPu, in my case its the same.
The most reliable info you would get from Afterburner (use OSD to display GPU speed and temp as overlay on screen). Or ever if you check the charts after the test. Afterburner should indicate atleast 1500mhz on the GPU clock if you are using +190 settings.
If you can get constant value of 1500 or more it means your card is doing well. If you overclock it - it will either downclock itself to default settings or crash.

You need to find a sweet spot when card is working on constant Mhz without throttling down and without overvoltaging it too much.

Ok thanks for that, will check GPU-Z senors next time and see what its reporting, but yeah, seems stable so far, with lowish temps too :)
You where correct Lizard, my speed reading in gpu-z is 1506Mhz core and 2000Mhz memory
just gave the new 344.60 drivers a GO, Seem about the same speed wise, but not quite so stable?

4000mhz mem you mean?

can u try with 1 card only and see if any improvement since last drivers?

howabout the 30sec fan spin on those new drivers? does it still exist?
edit: it does, according to other users. ehh, nevermind... :/

Lizard_of_bodom said:
4000mhz mem you mean?

can u try with 1 card only and see if any improvement since last drivers?

howabout the 30sec fan spin on those new drivers? does it still exist?
edit: it does, according to other users. ehh, nevermind... :/

Using the tool to modify your bios though it's pretty easy to fix the fan problem. The only settings that need to be fixed are fan settings so it's pretty unlikely that you'd break your gpu. I did it to my 980 and kept a backup of the old bios just in case.
Yeah,  I know,  I keep an eye on read bios mod thread and may actually give it a go but will wait just few more days and see what NVIDIA guys will come up with...  No huge rush on that for me as . 16 drivers are working perfectly fine.
wonder why your max and min are lower than mine, yet score is higher?
I don't think i will bother anymore though, as I will need to up the voltage and am very happy with my in game speeds with thses two cheap cards, in fact they are so cheap I might even try a triple set up at some point lol ;)
wonder why your max and min are lower than mine, yet score is higher?

Because min and max have little relevance. The average fps (what is relevant for gaming speed) are higher.
LOL, this benchmark is such a joke, poorly optimized for high end systems, I see my 3x980 clocked above 1550MHz laughing at 48?C in my EK WC system, GPU utilization is poor, 43% to 93% max....very bad software...I get average 5400 points in 1080p@max settings, really a joke.
Please use a decent bench tool such as 3DMark.
I can get almost 30k points in FireStrike performance mode.

Not Sure it does because I get better performance in games than my mates 780 and also score higher in fire strike so I reckon jp has a point Lol  ;D
flobelix said:
3DMark is decent?  :lol_anim: Unlike 3D Mark Valley shows a realistic gaming performance.

3DMark is not a perfect tool but uses 3 and 4way SLI better, scales much better.

Oh yeah, so the realistic gaming performance bench says that 3x980 watercooled = 2x970 air cooled? LOL

I don't care about 1080p, even Ultra HD, only 4K matters from now on.

Try to play Crysis 3 at 4K resolution, all settings maximum at 80-90 fps on 2x970 please, then you will remember the days when a 486 DX4 100MHz run slowly Quake 1 via soft mode and a Pentium 166-200MHz was the phenomenal beast of that time. :)

I once had 2x970 EVGA SC ACX 1.0, I know a little what realistic gaming performance is, specially when you play at high resolutions aka 4K with all settings EXTREME.

Not Sure it does because I get better performance in games than my mates 780 and also score higher in fire strike

I have two 780ti. They are way faster than 780s and more powerful than a 970 so our cards should perform as seen.