Unigine Valley Benchmarks - Extreme HD


Mar 20, 2014
Good morning - thought it might be cool to have a recent Unigine Valley benchmark thread.

I know a lot of people are getting their hands on the newer 970 and 980 cards and perhaps other members would like to know where their hardware stacks against some of the newer deliciousness.

Threads like this can be found all over the interweb but I figured this MSI only bench thread would be cool!

Here are my results for my 780TI SLI setup. Feel free to share your own - but be sure to run the "Extreme HD" preset so we're comparing using the same benchmark settings.

Note: Here's a link to download the Unigine Valley benchmark tool if you'd like to give it a shot. >>https://unigine.com/products/valley/download/<<

flobelix said:
I have two 780ti. They are way faster than 780s and more powerful than a 970 so our cards should perform as seen.

Well our scores here are almost the same and to close to call, what is your fire strike score?
Well, I don't use 3D Mark. Simply check the various reviews of GTX 970 and 980s for comparisons with 780ti.
I have read loads of reviews and done benchmark tests in games along with mates and the 780ti and GTX970 are almost the same in performance (780ti scores a little better in some, but not much more than 970) + (970 cheaper, uses less power and also heat) the GTX980 is superior in all test I have seen to the 780ti, the 980ti will be out soon too on a 384bit bus maybe? and be even better :)

I was going to upgrade from my HD6950 crossfire system to two 780ti in SLI, then I read tests and realised i would better going for two GTX970's, which i did, the really crazy thing is you can buy 3x970 for the same price of 2x980 and 2x780ti (they might be a bit cheaper now than they were?) and the tri 970 are much faster than both, for less money...awesome the future isn;t it lol ;)

But anyway my valley score above is within 1.4% of yours, so I am happy I made the correct choice  :biggthumbsup: a third one will be on the way soon (or i might just check out the 980ti first lol)
The price and low power consumption of 970 is great, considering power the same needs to be said for 980. If already owning a 780ti like me neither is an upgrade option considering performance. "980ti" will be more interesting in this regrad.

Anyway this thread has gone far off topic so lets stick with what this thread is about -> Unigine Valley Benchmarks in Extreme HD
Now for a baby Maxwell - MSI Twin Frozr Gaming GTX 750 Ti OC that only uses 60 watts. My whole PC only uses a little over 150 watts at AC wall outlet (Kill A  Watt meter). On bumped up overclock settings temperature peaks at 53 C with quiet fans automatically bumping up 2% to 34% max.

Unigine Valley Benchmark 1.0

Defaults | GPU +220, MEM +220 MHz
Min FPS:12.513.5
Max FPS:39.045.2

Platform: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) 64bit
CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (3191MHz) x2
GPU model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti (2048MB) x1
Render: Direct3D11
Mode: 1920x1080 8xAA fullscreen
Preset Extreme HD

UBUNTU 14.04.1
Defaults | GPU +220, MEM +220 MHz
Min FPS:11.413.1
Max FPS:32.737.2

Platform: Linux 3.13.0-44-generic x86_64
CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (3191MHz) x4
GPU model: GeForce GTX 750 Ti PCI Express 340.65 (2048MB) x1
Render: OpenGL
Mode: 1920x1080 8xAA fullscreen
Preset Extreme HD

Since my system only used about 206 watts max AC input with 116 watt GTX 550 Ti without any issues I am tempted to try a GTX 970 (145 watts) to see if that would work with my existing system without having to bump up my PSU. It is a Dell XPS 8100 that I think has a conservatively rated 350 watt PSU, but Dell never mentioned its PSU rating in spec's (originally just had GT 220 video).
So Before I completely clean out my PC tomorrow , its very dust and its definitely time to reinstall windows and then I will install my new MSI R9 390. I thought would run a few final benchmarks on my GTX 660 SLI Rig, it has served me well but 2GB of VRam just dose not cut it anymore. I was pretty surprised with the scores,( I ran about 5 and posted the best all were with in 200 points).

I couldn't believe it beat out a few non oc GTX 970 rigs. These card still have some decent power. I will run a bunch of benchmarks once I get the new card in but I will Probably make a new Thread for that. this one is getting old.



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Very commonly SLI even from such old series is better than single card. Although it is also matter of processor used in some areas.
Aha, seems it doesn't scale well with tri-sli then. Considering three 980 the result is not too groundbreaking. We had better results with 2x 780ti or 2x GTX 970

Simon719 date=1415641358 said:
A bit more tweaking, wont get more I reckon without voltage increase? these are the newer 344.65 drivers


flobelix date=1415642895 said:
Also tweaked some more:

Looks like it was my CPU holding me back. New mobo BIOS and OC'd to 4.6ghz and this is my new score. I agree this doesn't scale too well with 3 GPUs though.


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Nice bump at least. I guess Full HD is also simply not demanding enough to make any use of three gpus.
Valley result, no overclock on the cards except what it came with.

The heaven version is more demanding if you use Custom and max settings.


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