Username change requests

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Please Pick another name as apollo is already taken so i cant use it.
Hi, can I please have my username changed to 'CastleCloud' please? It just grabbed the first part of my email as the user :)
Hey there! I was wondering if you could change my username to Raastheboss. Couldn't figure out how to change it myself. Much appreciated!
I'd love to have my display name changed from 'mail' to 'Zypher' (If taken simply add 91 at the end)
Thank you!
I would like to request my display name to be changed to 'xCryptik'
xCryptik date=1510634787 said:
I would like to request my display name to be changed to 'xCryptik'

Done. Login/password remains the same.
kasskas date=1510737830 said:
Hi. Would it be possible to change my name to 'kasskas' ?
Done. Login/password remains the same.
I can't see how to change the username... should I request a change? I'd like it to be Bandit Pillion pls
Bandit Pillion said:
I can't see how to change the username... should I request a change? I'd like it to be Bandit Pillion pls


you cant change it yourself as alot of users abused it to make there names offensive so we have to change it manually upon request!
Can my display name be changed to:


Note: The current system for username selection is very annoying, especially as I can't delete my own thread either before coming here.
KabylakeBoy said:
Can my display name be changed to: KabylakeBoy ? Note: The current system for username selection is very annoying, especially as I can't delete my own thread either before coming here.


Cassio  is in use already. Something else?
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