Hi. I'm honestly not sure how this post will be interpreted, so mod's, do you thing and move to your perfered loc
Anyway, I recently built a new pc with the following parts :
WinXP pro
MSI KT3-Ultra Mainboard (non-RAID ver.)
Athlon XP 1800
Volcano 7+ w/copper shim hs
Lucent PCI v.90 modem
256 mb PC2700 ram (OCsystems, but we'll get to that latter
Codegen 350w PS (this is an AMD certified PS)
seagate 20gb HD (im a pooooor colledge guy on dial-up)
Monster 3d sound mx400 (if i remeber right, it's old, but it is a vortex 2 card, and I still like it)
Acer cd burner (blah blah blah, 4x4x32)
Hitachi DvD player
Video cards : TnT2 Ultra (creative labs) AGP (older card used before i could afford the next contestant)
MSI Geforce 4200 -t64 (or is that d?)
As you can see, some parts are just spares that i didnt want to spend the cash replacin, as they're quite fully functional :/ .
OK, so on to the problem
When I first essambled the PC, i would get some nice random resets, mostly when runnin any 3d game. This eventually flushed out by the latest 4in1 drivers, and screwin around with some older denator drivers (since I was usin the TnT2). Before the installination of those drivers, I just turned the bus speed down a bit, and it acutally worked quite well (well....most of the time....)
I credited most of the random resets (you know, the classic XP video card infinite loop yaddayadda) to the TnT2, as I'd seen many posts on various boards saying that winXP just didnt like this older card, and that the XP drivers for it werent really up to par, considerin the card is now like anceint tech.
Now the Geforce 4 4200 enters play.
I install the card. The comp resets. Then resets again. Then resets again. It was a viscous cycle. I of course hit up the bios settings to default and the sys starts (the resets would take place right after the xp loading screen, before the desktop fully loads.) normally. I then loaded in the latest Via 4in1 (which had changed over the span of puttin the puter toghter and gettin the card) and updated the nvidia drivers.
OK. Back to Bios. I crank up the FSB to 133 (which SHOULD be my defualt), and it begins it's resest loop again. I had adjust every other factor i could think off, and used the suggestions on this site. From turnin the AGP down to 2x to adjustin the Aperature size. I honestly think i tried every compantaion i could think of to get the card workin at sys bus speed, but it just wouldnt. I could get it to run @ 110 FSB with no problems, but I turn it up and it drops 3d apps, and if I go to 133 it just goes into the reset loop. Needless to say, I eventually sent the card back ,and am awaitin a replacement. BUT, that's the problem, im wonderin if it acutally is the card and not the board. And here's why i think it's the board.
The mem: I know, i know, this board has a rep for mem
/. I hear it everyplace i go
. Samsung minium, more like crucial. But It's not the ram. Im 99% sure its not the ram. Ram erros (for me anyways
) usally involve cruption durin the OS load, and i've run a couple of burn in progs to test he ram reliability (for what there worth...). I don't have a great deal of faith in the ram, but I turst it enough.
The PS: It COULD be the PS....but i rather like it. It's big, its pretty hefty, and it is certified....(once again, for what that's worth).
My half cocked theory : possibly i just got a bad board, or it was static damaged or somethin. I actually suspect the cap's located under the agp slot on the mobo (im guessin are for the agp) are damaged and can't handle the extra juice a more powerful card like the geforce without swackin the rest of the sys.
Any thoughts, suggetions, of comments are
MORE then welcome! Thanks! and sorry for the novel
Anyway, I recently built a new pc with the following parts :
WinXP pro
MSI KT3-Ultra Mainboard (non-RAID ver.)
Athlon XP 1800
Volcano 7+ w/copper shim hs
Lucent PCI v.90 modem
256 mb PC2700 ram (OCsystems, but we'll get to that latter
Codegen 350w PS (this is an AMD certified PS)
seagate 20gb HD (im a pooooor colledge guy on dial-up)
Monster 3d sound mx400 (if i remeber right, it's old, but it is a vortex 2 card, and I still like it)
Acer cd burner (blah blah blah, 4x4x32)
Hitachi DvD player
Video cards : TnT2 Ultra (creative labs) AGP (older card used before i could afford the next contestant)
MSI Geforce 4200 -t64 (or is that d?)
As you can see, some parts are just spares that i didnt want to spend the cash replacin, as they're quite fully functional :/ .
OK, so on to the problem
When I first essambled the PC, i would get some nice random resets, mostly when runnin any 3d game. This eventually flushed out by the latest 4in1 drivers, and screwin around with some older denator drivers (since I was usin the TnT2). Before the installination of those drivers, I just turned the bus speed down a bit, and it acutally worked quite well (well....most of the time....)
I credited most of the random resets (you know, the classic XP video card infinite loop yaddayadda) to the TnT2, as I'd seen many posts on various boards saying that winXP just didnt like this older card, and that the XP drivers for it werent really up to par, considerin the card is now like anceint tech.
Now the Geforce 4 4200 enters play.
I install the card. The comp resets. Then resets again. Then resets again. It was a viscous cycle. I of course hit up the bios settings to default and the sys starts (the resets would take place right after the xp loading screen, before the desktop fully loads.) normally. I then loaded in the latest Via 4in1 (which had changed over the span of puttin the puter toghter and gettin the card) and updated the nvidia drivers.
OK. Back to Bios. I crank up the FSB to 133 (which SHOULD be my defualt), and it begins it's resest loop again. I had adjust every other factor i could think off, and used the suggestions on this site. From turnin the AGP down to 2x to adjustin the Aperature size. I honestly think i tried every compantaion i could think of to get the card workin at sys bus speed, but it just wouldnt. I could get it to run @ 110 FSB with no problems, but I turn it up and it drops 3d apps, and if I go to 133 it just goes into the reset loop. Needless to say, I eventually sent the card back ,and am awaitin a replacement. BUT, that's the problem, im wonderin if it acutally is the card and not the board. And here's why i think it's the board.
The mem: I know, i know, this board has a rep for mem
The PS: It COULD be the PS....but i rather like it. It's big, its pretty hefty, and it is certified....(once again, for what that's worth).
My half cocked theory : possibly i just got a bad board, or it was static damaged or somethin. I actually suspect the cap's located under the agp slot on the mobo (im guessin are for the agp) are damaged and can't handle the extra juice a more powerful card like the geforce without swackin the rest of the sys.
Any thoughts, suggetions, of comments are
MORE then welcome! Thanks! and sorry for the novel