Winproducer and other intervideo software



Question for everyone. I install winproducer 2.0 with no problems. When I attempt to start the program I get the following error.
failed to create empty document.

To date I have. Uninstalled all video drivers and wmd drivers and reinstalled them.

Still not work.

I've installed windvr and it crashes when i start it up. then my computer crashes about 20 secs after it.

I have
MSI TI4400 video
Athalon 850
256 mb ram
Asus A7V133 MB
Soundblaster Value Live
Network cards
DVD player
CD Writer
and 3 hard drives

Can anyone give me any suggestions?

I'm running NVIDIA 29.42 vid drivers (was running 30's same prob) 8o
1. Wincoder is part of winproducer 2.0 or at least the version I have
2. I installed wincoder seperately and it does what windvr does. chrases and then 20 secs laster crashes the entire computer.
Hi Matrix, it could be software conflicts. What OS you're using? You can also try with updated version of WinProducer too. I hope you manage to find the updates on the net. You also need to take a look at NVidia Video Capture driver. This separate driver might cause the crash. Have you tried with the latest video capture driver?
Problem solved. After many many hours of reformating and loading 1 driver at a time and testing the programs out I found the problem.

Anyone with a simular problem please note the following.

If and When you install NIMO50 Pack do not install the VOB codecs. They are incompatible.
