Question for everyone. I install winproducer 2.0 with no problems. When I attempt to start the program I get the following error.
failed to create empty document.
To date I have. Uninstalled all video drivers and wmd drivers and reinstalled them.
Still not work.
I've installed windvr and it crashes when i start it up. then my computer crashes about 20 secs after it.
I have
MSI TI4400 video
Athalon 850
256 mb ram
Asus A7V133 MB
Soundblaster Value Live
Network cards
DVD player
CD Writer
and 3 hard drives
Can anyone give me any suggestions?
I'm running NVIDIA 29.42 vid drivers (was running 30's same prob) 8o
failed to create empty document.
To date I have. Uninstalled all video drivers and wmd drivers and reinstalled them.
Still not work.
I've installed windvr and it crashes when i start it up. then my computer crashes about 20 secs after it.
I have
MSI TI4400 video
Athalon 850
256 mb ram
Asus A7V133 MB
Soundblaster Value Live
Network cards
DVD player
CD Writer
and 3 hard drives
Can anyone give me any suggestions?
I'm running NVIDIA 29.42 vid drivers (was running 30's same prob) 8o